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 Cosmetic Tattooing Services by Nikki Thompson 

Welcome to Nikki/Beauty Boss services.

Nikki Thompson does regular body tattoos. But also offers a multitude of tattooing services that are considered forms of cosmetic tattooing or repair techniques for scars. There are several terms used to describe these processes. Such as : Cosmetic Tattooing, Paramedical Tattooing, Micropigmentation and Permanent make up, Areola and 3d Nipple tattooing are paramedical type tattoos. These are all processes that involve adding color via tattoo equipment to the face or body.  CLICK to view our PARAMEDICAL SECTION | AREOLA SECTION | PMU SPECTION.

Nikki also does another process/procedure that is done with tattoo equipment but does not involve adding color, especially MIcroneedling which is sometimes called Inkless tattooing.  She uses this for stretch marks, vitiligo, or scars that have completely de-pigmented. CLICK to view MICRONEEDLING FOR SCARS

Microneedling for facial rejuvenation is a very requested procedure for youthful cell regeneration (anitaging process), correction of wrinkles, brown spots and texture resurfacing. Nikki has offered this procedure since 2005 after learning it in classes to repair mastectomy scars. In 2011 she learned the same technique for the face-for reguveation. This kind of microneedling is superior to the kind offered in medical settings because it is done with tattoo equipment which allows more variables. Nikki Thompson has been using tattoo equipment daily since 1991, so she has proficiency that only experience can develop. Please browse the categories below which feature each of these highly specialized services. Please note that ALL the photos within are NOT stock photos as some others use. These are actual clients. And unless noted, healed work. 

This area contains lots of Scar work. But, if you are looking for Scar Cover Ups using traditional tattoos including mastectomy scar cover, please see that work in the portion of the site of regular tattooing CLICK to view SCAR COVER TATTOOS.



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